For an index of sites click the ‘Expand Index’ icon (map title bar, left side) or View Larger Map icon (map title bar, right side).

This map is intended as an aid to help you explore important
ice-age features in the Pacific Northwest area.

Though we try to maintain accuracy, the Ice Age Floods Institute does not guarantee the accuracy of any information represented on this map.

Use your scroll wheel to zoom, click-hold to drag the map around, click on markers for details, photos, and links to more information.

This map is provided solely as an educational service to our members and guests.
Suggestions for features not yet on the maps are welcome. Submit your suggestions below.

A favorite place not shown?

Suggest a Geological, Historical, or Floods Feature for our maps

We encourage visitors to suggest locations of significant Ice Age Floods, geologic, or historic cultural sites and features that we should add to our IAFI Features maps.

  • Lat/long map coordinates for the best viewing location, or nearest location recognized by Google Maps, or distance/direction from a Google Maps location
  • Please provide a name and a description of the Ice Age Floods feature you'd like to see added to our map. Please include website addresses that might have useful additional information.
  • We appreciate photos of the feature that can also be added to the map.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 512 MB.
    • In case we have questions.
    • In case we have questions.

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