January 9, 2021 – A report from our president, Gary Ford, to our members and others

Like most organizations, this was a year of adjusting our activities to deal, as best we can, with Covid-19.  We had a few in-person activities in the early part of the year and then when the pandemic hit, shifted to on-line activities as we learned how to present programs in a very different way.  Some of our chapters have made the transition more rapidly than others have. As 2021 progresses, we expect more of our chapters to offer programs on-line. 

Compared to a normal year, we had very few activities in community social settings, such as county fairs, school programs, working with other organizations, etc. With vaccinations for Covid-19 underway since December, we hope to be able to return to more in-person activities (lectures, field trips, hikes) when it is safe to do so.  The safety of our presenters and members is our number one priority!

Our members provide most of our support and much of the reason for the various materials, activities and events we provide.  In 1996, we had 11 members. At the end of 2020, we had 667 members (471 memberships) from 19 states and 1 Canadian province. This was a reduction of 56 members and 30 memberships compared to the end of 2019 because of the Covid-19.  Some of our members have supported us for many years and continued to do so during the pandemic.  We appreciate your loyalty. We hope others will rejoin us soon. We thank all of you for your continued support. 

The IAFI is a non-profit organization. Our main sources of income are membership dues, donations, profit from field trips and Institute Store sales. For 2020, our total income was $15,352. Our main expenses have usually been twice a year board meetings, contract labor (our membership manager), field trip expenses and liability insurance. For 2020, our total expenses were $11,383. During 2020, we started having our board meetings on-line rather than meeting in-person. Once the pandemic is over, we plan to have one in-person board meeting a year. This will be in the fall and will feature the very popular field trip. At the end of 2020 we have reserves of $29,247 which are used to cover unplanned expenses, printing informational brochures and to pursue new opportunities related to telling the floods story.

Outreach to inform and educate the public about the Ice Age Floods and their long-lasting impact on our area is a key part of the IAFI mission.  Our local chapter programs are possibly the most effective way we meet this challenge. Two of the more important ways we help people learn about the ice age floods are with lectures and field trips. 

 In early 2020, before the pandemic hit, we sponsored 11 lectures attended by 429 people.  We also sponsored 1 field trip with 20 attendees and had 1 hike for 23 attendees.  After March, our activities were limited to on-line presentations.  We had 16 on-line lectures viewed by 1514 people as of mid-December (this includes those viewing after presentation was posted on YouTube). Number of viewers will continue to increase as more people watch them on our YouTube channel. We have also significantly increased our online outreach, typically garnering thousands of views each week through interesting articles and features on our Facebook, website and newsletters.

To help people learn about the floods we are continually developing new ways of communicating information to people. Here are some examples from 2020.

We wish you all good health and a happier 2021!