It’s been several years since our website first appeared and website design standards have changed a lot since then. This summer we undertook to completely redesign the website, hoping to make it more useful, interesting and dynamic. Unfortunately when we tried to go “LIVE” the server company messed up the launch and had the website down for a week.

That problem is now fixed and the website is LIVE at the same URL (website address) you are used to –, though there are still some server problems to be ironed out. If you see something that appears to be broken, or you feel we’ve missed something important, or there’s something we can improve, please email our webmaster at or leave a comment below.

In particular, if you have expertise in building and maintaining websites and would like to help with ours, please get in touch with us. Our webmaster is strictly a volunteer who has spent many, many hours developing and maintaining our website for years, learning as he worked at it, and he wouldn’t mind some help.